Monday, December 10, 2007

Mitt and his Mormonism

The purpose of this blog is to dispel myths and heresy, pull back the curtain on the excesses and outrageous behavior that goes unchecked and for whom no one is asked to give an account. It is also to challenge the body of Christ to think and research, to pray and meditate, to seek and find truth rather then simply swallow whole all that is spoon fed from pulpits and broadcasts.

In the midst of all the hype surrounding the 2008 presidential election, I find that I can no longer sit idly by but must chime in with my two cents.

It reminds me of an episode of M.A.S.H. BJ had made the comment to Hawkeye that, to Hawkeye, everything was a joke and that it would kill Hawkeye to go without making a joke for even a day. Hawkeye bet BJ that he could go for a whole day without making a joke or a wise crack.

As the episode progressed, so many things happened for which Hawkeye could have a retort or sarcastic remark but he prevailed and keep quiet. That is until the stroke of midnight when Hawkeye cranked up the camp's PA system and rattled of a litany of smart remarks, retorts and comebacks that had built up during the day.

I do not want to be in that position. I do not want to wait until it is almost to late to voice my opinion or highlight the opinions or actions of others that may prove to the benefit of righteousness.

With that in mind, I give you the following article regarding Mitt Romney and the beliefs of the Mormon cult in that hopes that when the light is shone on the works of darkness, truth will win out!

Can Mitt Romney Serve Two Masters?
The Mormon Church vs. The United States of America
Article/Release written by Tricia Erickson, President of Crisis Management, Inc.
Copyright March 4, 2007

Months ago, I was watching Hannity and Colmes. Sean Hannity, who I have great respect for, said something to the effect that “No one should criticize Mitt Romney because of his faith”. Well, Sean, you are one of my favorite people and 99% of the time, I agree with you, however, this time you were really wrong. Let me explain to you and the American people why Mitt’s Mormon faith is precisely the reason why Americans should be deeply concerned.

Let me ask you this: Would you have confidence in a president, in a time of war or otherwise, if he had lived a life of believing deception? Would you feel secure with our president if he not only believed in a fabricated religion, but he also is called by his church to preach this distorted gospel and spread Mormonism throughout the world? Would you feel secure with a president who is bound to follow a false prophet? Do you know that if Mitt Romney does not follow what the prophet of the Mormon Church tells him to do, that he is an apostate and can lose his place in the Mormon afterlife? Would you really feel comfortable voting for such a person to be the leader of this country and the free world?

Click on the title of the article to read it in its entirety. It's quite an eye-opener.

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